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October Half Term

Greetings, my lovely chums, from sunny Minehead! Billie's gone for a swim in the sea, and a dig on the beach. She's got a penchant for seaweed, so I may have to take some home with me when we return from our hols on Friday.

And here you find me, working (tut!) However, I couldn't relax without posting an update as to what's happening at Saz's Ceramics over half term.

Here's the lowdown:

Monday: Closed for a mental recharge.

Tuesday: Decorate a pumpkin tea light holders with foam clay, drop in £7.50pp

Wednesday: Polymer clay spooky charms - workshops start at 11am and 2pm. Book now £7.50pp

Thursday: Clay Day Haunted houses - workshops start at 11am and 2pm. Book now £7.50pp

Friday: Day of the Dead - decorate a mug with porcelain pens, drop in £7.50pp

Saturday: Craftastic Creative Arts Club 10.30am - 12 noon. Join us for our Hallowe'en themed glass painting workshop. £7.50. If you come in costume, benefit from a special 10% discount!


Drop in to paint your own pottery any time from 10am till 4pm. It's not just Hallowe'en, you know!

Sunday: Paint your own pottery. Booking advisable.

Hope to see you soon! TTFN!

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Studio 8, Red House Glass Cone, High Street, Wordsley,
Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8 4AZ.
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(Dudley M.B.C.) School Holiday Opening Hours: 

Monday to Saturday 11am - 4pm (half terms).

Tuesday to Saturday 11am - 4pm (Easter and Summer Holidays).

Selected Sundays 11am - 4pm for bookings only.

(Dudley M.B.C.) School Term times:


Tuesday and Saturday 11am - 4pm.

Wednesdays, Fridays and selected Sundays 11am -4pm by bookings only.

© 2017 Sarah Cannings

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